iSchool is a private British school operating in Olomouc

English, Maths and Physical Education with Cambridge Primary

We use the well-established Cambridge Primary programme for our English, Maths and Physical Education curriculum.

Cambridge programmes set the global standard for international education. They are created by subject experts, rooted in academic rigour and reflect the latest educational research. Cambridge Primary sets learners on an exciting educational journey and provides a strong foundation for primary pupils when moving onto their secondary education.

Subjects taught with International Primary Curriculum (IPC)

The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) is a project-based learning framework and provides a really fun and full curriculum for other subjects: Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Technology, ICT, Society and International Mindedness.

Learning in these subjects is organized into integrated cross-curricular IPC Units of Work set for a period of time (typically 4-8 weeks per unit).

Why should your child attend iSchool?

They will gain perfect knowledge of English.

Your child will become a global citizen with wide understanding of local and international topics.

We put a strong emphasis on the development on subject specific skills rather than on acquisition of knowledge.

Emphasis on skills development (not just memorising).

Individual approach; school’s ability to motivate for improvement.

Your child will be excited to come to school.

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School philosophy

We will teach your child to read, write and count. While at iSchool, their English will become their second native language. (Brilliant, perfect..)

Teaching independent thinking, responsibility and learning support is just a cherry on top.

2. 3. 2025

Our students attended the Model United Nations (MUN) conference

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24. 2. 2025

Academic dates 2025/2026

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Moderní mezinárodní škola s individuálním přístupem

U nás se děti učí smysluplně a s radostí.

Bilingvní výuka | Malé třídy | Inspirativní a bezpečné prostředí

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